A website dedicated to Collingtree Village and Parish

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'Just Collingtree' is a site is for anyone with an interest in the past, present and future of a small Northamptonshire village. 

There are some ten thousand villages in Britain. Two hundred years ago 80% of people lived in a village - now 80% live in towns.

Hundreds of old villages are now simply suburbs of a modern town. But others have kept their identity, character and community spirit.

Collingtree was once a few farms clustered around a church surrounded by open fields  - today it still survives squeezed between the M1 motorway and the A45 major trunk road into Northampton.

It still has its church, its pub, its school and its Village Room and, despite all the changes, it remains a village  - proud of its long history and separate identity.

This site aims to provide a scrapbook in words and pictures of Collingtree  - past and present.

 Collingtree looking North from the M1 in 2004.

Collingtree looking South West in 2004.